Project Aviation Diary 2023


#ProjectAviationDiary is a fundraising initiative to benefit South African Aviation.
#ProjectAviationDiary is unique. It is a universal first.
It is a hard cover notebook customised for aviation.
Tables, conversions, radio failure procedures, and lots of interesting and valuable content.
Motivational quotes, air law extracts, aviation specific days and industry events will be prepopulated.



What is #ProjectAviationDiary?

  • It is a hard cover A5 notebook customised for aviation.
  • The front few pages have aviation specific information such as tables, conversions, radio failure procedures etc
  • Each page either has an aviation inspired quote to motivate you for the day or it has a legislative quote to keep you abreast of air law.
  • You will also know when there are aviation specific days like International Day of the Air Traffic Controller, World Helicopter Day, etc.
  • Aviation events are prepopulated such as AeroSA being held 06-08 July 2023, Paris and Dubai Airshow.
  • Interesting, weird and bizarre days are highlighted to spice up your life such as red wine day, donut eating day, etc. making it interesting when you plan your meetings.
  • Be educated. Be inspired and be entertained as you plan and structure your life.
  • The perfect gift for everyday use.


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